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柳 希受


Quyên Thạch


I'm Mr Quyen Thach, I used to study at Can Tho University with major information technology.

After graduating, I attended a Japanese language course at a Japanese language training center organized by Brainworks Asia company. After graduating from the course I was accepted to work at Brainworks Asia company. I have been working for more than 2 years now.

Working time at Brainworks Asia was a great experience, learning many useful things from colleagues and superiors.

Participating in company projects helps me to improve more and more professional skills and teamwork among members.

In particular, I was able to work directly with Japanese superiors, which helped me learn a lot of careful working style and improve my Japanese ability.



卒業後、Brainworks Asia社が主催する日本語トレーニングセンターで日本語コースを受講し、日本語トレーニングセンターの卒業後はBrainworks Asia社で働くことになりました。現在、2年以上働いています。





senior software engineer at Braiworks Africa ltd,
joined the BRAINWORKS AFRICA team in September 2019.
I am pursuing a Masters of Science in IoT-Wireless Intelligent Sensor Networking.
I has been working on several projects with the company's fantastic staffs since 2019 until now.
Since 2019 till the present, I had collaborated on a number of projects with amazing software engineers,
with a friendly environment and collaborative coworkers that make the tasks enjoyable and straightforward.
I'm delighted to welcome new software developers to Brain Works Africa so that we can work together and grow as a team.


Brainworks Africa ltd.のシニアソフトウェアエンジニアです。
IoT-Wireless Intelligent Sensor Networkingの理学修士号を取得中です。
Brainworks Africaに新しいソフトウェア開発者を迎え、一緒に働き、チームとして成長できると嬉しく思います。


At Brain Works Africa, a Senior IT engineer
I started working for the company in 2018 and have taken part in numerous initiatives (IT Projects, Research projects, events, etc.)

I appreciated working in a team, even while I was working remotely, while I was employed with Brain Works Africa, positive vibe and collaboration among my coworkers are what make the work pleasurable and effortless. The easy connection with the Japanese work team has made it possible for me to complete and submit my projects. Now that other IT engineers are joining us at Brain Works Africa, I will always make sure to warmly welcome them into our work so that we can collaborate and advance together.


Brain Works AfricaでシニアITエンジニアをしています。

Brain Works Africaに在籍中は、リモートワークでもチームで働くことが可能な環境や、ポジティブな雰囲気、仕事を楽しく、やりやすくしてくれた同僚同士のコラボレーションが有難かったです。日本のチームと連絡が取れやすいので、プロジェクトを遂行することができました。Brain Works Africaに新しくITエンジニアが入社するなら、私はいつも温かく迎え入れ、共に協力し合いながら前進していきたいと考えています。

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